Using i3 as a Linux window manager

i3 window manager (i3wm)

The i3 is used to maximise the actual screen and use only the keyboard

The i3 wm enables users to perform tasks without a mouse, utilising keyboard shortcuts. Application windows are maximised and can also be moved and resized using keyboard shortcuts. Following a brief period of familiarisation, users can work at a faster pace as their hands remain in constant contact with the keyboard. Additionally, switching between the active window and the virtual screen is a rapid and straightforward process. The concept ensures that the screen is consistently in use, and that windows cannot overlap.

Key combination

Key combination Action
ALT - Enter neues Fenster öffnen
ALT - Pfeiltaste Fokus wechseln
ALT - 1 / 2 / 3 .. = Workspace auswählen
ALT - Pfeiltasten Fenster auwählen
ALT - SHIFT - Pfeiltaste ausgewähltes Fenster verschieben
ALT - E Alle Fenster Vertikal / Horizontal ausrichten
ALT - SHIFT - Pfeil oben / unten   Fenster oben groß unten eingeteilt
ALT - Umschalt + Q ausgewähltes Fenster schließen
ALT - Umschalt - Nummer Fesnter auf Workspace verschieben
ALT - r resize window with for example arrow keys up and down
ALT - h next new window in this window horizontal tiled ..
ALT - v next new window in this window vertical tiled ..

i3 window manger install

i3 is my favorite linux window manager

# apt install i3

Install i3

# apt install i3

Customize i3

After configuration Changes i3 must be restarted for the changes to take effect

# i3-msg restart

hintergrund auf eine farbe setzen:

# xsetroot -solid "#333333"

oder Program “feh”

# feh -g 640x480 -d -S filename /path/to/directory

set wallpaper:

# feh --bg-scale /path/to/image.file

scaling options: –bg-tile FILE –bg-center FILE –bg-max FILE –bg-fill FILE

i3 fenster anlegen, dann abspeichern

Fensternamen anzeigen

# i3-msg -t get_workspaces

Aktuelle Fensterkollektion abspeichern

# i3-save-tree --workspace name_meines_workspaces > $HOME/.config/i3/bt-layout.json


Example pictures

Screenshots Linux i3 (Monitor Hochkant LG DualUp Ergo 28MQ780-B (16:18-Seitenverhältnis))2



terminal (lock your screen)

loginctl lock-session 
autolock -time 5 -locker i3lock &

Einstellungen ansehen:

xset q

Ausschalten (ggf. im Startscript .xinitrc)

xset s off
xset -dpms
xset s noblank

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