Forensic Translation / Transcription Tools
Automatic Translation
IPED task for audio translation via distributed workers. Uses Task Bridge together with Transcribe and Translate workers for distributing and doing the work.
Output: Using this task each media file (audio, video) will get the following additional metadata.
Web User Interface (JavaScript)
IPED (Forensic Tool)
IPED is an open source software that can be used to process and analyze digital evidence, often seized at crime scenes by law enforcement or in a corporate investigation by private examiners.
Serviço de Perícias em Informática - Brazilian Federal Police Digital Forensics Unit at National Institute of Criminalistics
New to IPED?
Main goals efficient data processing and stability
- Command line data processing for batch case creation
- Multiplatform support, tested on Windows and Linux systems
- Portable cases without installation, you can run them from removable drives
- Integrated and intuitive analysis interface
- High multithread performance and support for large cases: up to 400GB/h processing speed using modern hardware and 135 million items in a (multi) case as of 12/12/2019
Currently IPED uses the Sleuthkit Library only to decode disk images and file systems, so the same image formats are supported:
- E01
- ISO9660
- EX01
- AD1 (AccessData)
- UFDR (Cellebrite)
PDF Translater
Whisper is an ASR model developed by OpenAI, trained on a large dataset of diverse audio. Whilst it does produces highly accurate transcriptions, the corresponding timestamps are at the utterance-level, not per word, and can be inaccurate by several seconds. OpenAI’s whisper does not natively support batching.
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