Markup for the Jekyll Al-Folio Theme

What is markup?

“markup is a plain text format for writing structured documents, based on conventions for indicating formatting in email and usenet posts. It was developed by John Gruber (with help from Aaron Swartz) and released in 2004 in the form of a syntax description and a Perl script ( for converting markup to HTML. In the next decade, dozens of implementations were developed in many languages. Some extended the original markup syntax with conventions for footnotes, tables, and other document elements. Some allowed markup documents to be rendered in formats other than HTML. Websites like Reddit, StackOverflow, and GitHub had millions of people using markup. And markup started to be used beyond the web, to author books, articles, slide shows, letters, and lecture notes.”

Default Al-folio Markup is GitHub Flavored markup - GFM (

Example 1 [ markup / markdown ]


[example text]: / "Network Management IT" 
[example text]


[example text]: / "Network Management IT" 
[example text]


[example text]: / "Network Management IT"
[example text]

Example 2 [ LINK ]

[Markup Instructions]: / "Markup Instructions" 
[Markup Instructions]

become to:

Markup Instructions

Example 3 [ LINK in text]

First write the “palceholder” in text, than you can define the URL at any place ..

What is [markup]?

[markup]: / "markup"

become to:

What is markup?

Example 2 [ CODE FORMAT]

def Code example
    just a test

become to:

def Code example
    just a test

Example 4 [ CODE FORMAT]

```python import pandas as pd … ```

becomes to:

import pandas as pd

numbers = []
for i in numbers:

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